UTC keeps defaulting to UTC+02:00 Buchares

Describe the issue:

Hi I m building an agenda and I keep editing the dates and putting UTC:00:00 London, save it and when I go back to the agenda record it goes back to Bucharest +2 and is messing my times too so if I entered 08:00 it becomes 10:00

Is this a bug?


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Hey @atproductions,

Sorry for the confusion here. Our datetime handling is a little bit unclear sometimes.

This is actually a setting you can control in two different places:

  1. The time zone returned by the API is set in Configuration → Locales & timezone:

  2. The time zone displayed in the UI is separately configured in (your profile image) → Localization settings → Date preferred timezone

What is going on behind the scenes is that whenever you set a time field and save it, it gets converted to a timestamp in the backend, but not in your original time zone. Instead, we use one the two above time zones you specified: one for the API and another for the UI.

Does that help?

Hi Roger

Thank you so much :slight_smile:
It makes perfect sense thank you I did not know where to find it. It works like a charm.

Best Nicolae

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