Uploading images to Dato via HTTP

Hey there,

I’m trying to upload images to my team’s Dato Media area but am facing some issues with the uploading to S3 portion of the docs.

I’m using AppSmith to accept image inputs which they return to you in either base64 or binary form meaning that I can’t use the Node client, as there’s no local file, nor is there any URLs.

I’ve followed the steps and get an upload_id at the very end of them, but the upload_id returns a 404 when trying to retrieve the upload via the API.

I have an incredibly simple fetch implementation for the step 2 as seen below:

 await fetch(uploadURL // generated from step 1, {
    method: 'PUT',
    body: binaryImage // Binary generated from converting a base64 image using atob()

I have a feeling that I’m missing some headers but I have no idea. Any help would be greatly appreciated!



Hello @benjamincbialy we ended up solving this via email, so i’m just gonna close this thread!