Unable to add pattern validation to Multiple-paragraph text

When I try to add any pattern validation to a Multiple-paragraph text I am unable to do so. Nothing happens. An error show up in browser’s console:
Screenshot 2023-02-27 at 11.15.25
Used field editor is: Markdown editor

Hey @mateus.carvalho I cannot reproduce your issue. Can you please provide also the exact validation that you are trying to add?

Also would be nice to have more information on your project, as there might be an issue with a plugin? Can you send us a link directly to your model either here or over at support@datocms.com?


Hi @mat_jack1
So I’ve found the cause of the issue
when having a plugin as an add-on on a specific model, being that plugin with a problem to load
we are unable to save any pattern validation because of that error on console, which seems connected with the issue with the plugin. After re-installing the plugin without any errors, the pattern can be added without concerns