SVGs seem to be getting modified when uploaded (Imgix SVG sanitization) [edited title]

Just reporting back here in case anyone else has the same issue.

The fix

Given a SVG URL on our CDN, like, append the ?svg-sanitize=false URL parameter to it, like

Or in GraphQL:

    filter: {filename: {matches: {pattern: "svg-sanitization-demo.svg"}}}
  ) {
    url(imgixParams: {svgSanitize: "false"})

What happened

After some investigation, we discovered that this was caused by a change in our image CDN provider, who recently began sanitizing their SVGs. The workaround is to append the parameter svg-sanitize=false to the SVG’s URL.

For example, given an SVG file like this:


<svg xmlns="" width="300" height="300">
  <rect width="300" height="300" fill="blue" />
  <foreignObject class="node" x="50" y="100" width="200" height="200">
    <body xmlns="" style="background: white; font: 20pt sans-serif; text-align: center">
      <div>This is HTML inside SVG</div>

It SHOULD look like this PNG screenshot:

Without svg-sanitize

If you access it directly from our CDN, it will be sanitized (and broken), showing only the blue square without the text inside:

With svg-sanitize=false

Once you add the svg-sanitize=false param, it shows the original instead:

We apologize that this caused a disruption for our customers. This was not a change we were aware of until a customer reported it, and the Imgix svg-sanitize=false parameter was an undocumented parameter. We’ll work with our partner to better prevent incidents like this in the future. Sorry about that!

You should not need to use this parameter unless you’re having issues with your SVG files. Typically, that would only happen with SVGs that have embedded code or other data that the Imgix sanitizer removes. The sanitization happens as a default measure for security, since unsanitized SVGs can sometimes contain malicious code (including HTML, Javascript, and other things).

If your SVGs are first-party assets with basic shapes, text, etc., you shouldn’t need to worry about this. If, however, you programmatically modify your SVGs (such as targeting and modifying their nodes via code) and you’re noticing broken or different behaviors, please give this parameter a try and let us know.