React Next.js and nested slugs


I’m building my site structure in React like this:


And this is my query:

allProjects {
    projectCategoryParent {
    genericPageParent {

…can someone please point me in the right direction showing how to use getStaticPaths and getStaticProps in such a way that Project pages can be reached by joining all of the slugs together?

Thank you!

hello @steven maybe have a look at our site’s code:

you can hopefully find some good inspiration! :slight_smile:

Wow thank you. There’s a lot I can learn from this code!

I’ve now managed to solve my question by using a first level dynamic folder [category] with category.js; and a second level dynamic folder [project] and project.js Then params: { category: content.slug } and params: { category: content.projectCategoryParent.projectcategory, project: content.slug } respectively to query the relevant slugs

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