Problem with the image upload

Describe the issue:

I have a problem with a below image, which I can not upload to DatoCMS. The image is JPG format and size is normal. Not sure what is causing problem, but upload fails with “Field is required” error under image field. First I thought is image size, but after reducing size with Photoshop I still have the same problem… Tried on two different computers. See the screenrecording below.


Source image: balkancampers-vw-t4-una.jpg - Google Drive


Hey @primoz.rome do you also get the same issue with a different browser?

I tried in Safari (Version 17.6 (19618. - latest MacOS and Chrome, Windows 11.


That’s really strange, hmm :thinking: Could you please email us a copy of that picture, and also a link to the specific record you’re trying to put it in? I’ll try to replicate it on our end and see if we can track down any JS errors or such in the console.

(In the meantime, if you’re able to upload it into the media area instead, please do that instead and just pick it from the selector button instead of trying to upload it directly. Of course that shouldn’t be necessary, and I’ll try to isolate and report the underlying bug ASAP.)

The copy of the picture is linked in my original post.

If you look t screen recording you will see that also uploading Image to the Media directly, doesn’t work!

@roger @m.finamor

Looks like the problem now propagaded to other projects as well…

I am trying to upload this photo to this DatoCMS record - cover field, and I have exactly the same behaviour.

I have tried with Safari and Google Chrome on Mac! The same issue has my client on Windows PC using Chrome. He reported me the problem about 1 hour ago.

Best regards, Primoz.

@primoz.rome The issue is happening because that project is under a free plan, and it has already reached the limit of 200MB of uploaded files, so trying to upload a new one errors out, but the error is not showing correctly.
We’ll fix the error message not showing on our end, but the issue of not being able to upload will still remain until you either free up some space on the media area of that project, or upgrade its plan, sorry about that :frowning:


Thank you @m.finamor … Now I have an issue. One of my clients has uploaded big files. I am trying to replace the assets to lower the size, but DatoCMS will not let me replace them… Probably due to the same reason. What is the solution?

@primoz.rome the only solution unfortunately is to free up some storage space before replacing the asset as well, sorry about that :frowning:

Also, we just fixed this and now you should get a meaningful message for this error, so the upload doesn’t fail silently as before :slight_smile:

Thank you once again for the feedback!

Yes I am getting it now, thank you. I guess I need to wait 1 hour after freeing up space in order to upload new ones?

Yep, it can take up to 3 hours for the API restrictions on storage to be lifted for the free plans, sorry about that!

No worries and thanks for the info.