Plugin SDK upload image?


I am making a plugin that pulls info from IMDB which includes posters (images), using is it possible to upload images?


hello @cj1,

you can upload images, not using the plugin SDK, but directly using our CMA:

You should pass a write-enabled API token as a plugin parameter to do that.

Hi Mat,

I’m working on a plugin and I would like to use the CMA as well for an image upload. But when I try to create an upload, I receive a 422 (type: api error) error with the description that ‘nil is not a string’. I am sure that I am passing a string.
This also happens with the example code that is provided in the guide. Maybe you know what’s happening here?

@devoorhoede I’m sorry but I don’t know!

Can you please share a code snippet about what you are doing so that I can try helping out?