Need guidance on parsing markdown with Modular Content Fields, specifically multi-line paragraph

Hi people,


I’m in the process of converting my Gatsby blog from MDX to DatoCMS because I feel the MDX plugin is too opinionated as to how it parses markdown. My goal for moving to DatoCMS was to create a layout similar to Medium posts with images spanning larger than text blocks. Because I’m building a blog, the structure of the content needs to be modular which is why I opted for the Modular Content Field option when building my DatoCMS content model.

I’m not too sure if this is the smartest approach, but right now I would like to use two Modular Blocks, “Text” & “Media”. Focusing on the Text Field I would like to use markdown in which would then be parsed by Gatsby into HTML


I don’t know which GraphQL endpoint I should use to access the markdown content written in this Modular Text Block.

Looking at the code snippet below, I can see MDX can be used somehow. This is fine for my needs because the issue I had with MDX was that it wraps every parsed markdown element in a

tag, making it too complex to style things like images.

datoCmsPost {
    body {
      ... on DatoCmsText {
        textNode {
          childMdx {

I can’t find any guides similar to what I’m trying to achieve and I also can’t find any documentation around this childMDX node.

It would be great if I could get some guidance on

  1. If my goal can be solved in a simpler way if not then
  2. What is the correct GraphQL schema I need to parse markdown to my Gatsby blog
  3. What needs to happen on my gatsby blog? Do I use or something else.

Hope my long explanation helps you to understand my dilemma.

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Hello @jessebox and welcome! :slight_smile:

Based on your project, you can do something like this:

  datoCmsPost {
    body {
      ... on DatoCmsParagraph {
      ... on DatoCmsVisual {
        media {

to query all the different modules, is that what you were trying to do?

Regarding the MDX plugin, I’m not familiar with that, I hope my suggestion helps you out though?

Let me know if not and we can try something else!

Hey Mat,

So the solution you’ve specified is what I’ve currently implemented, but the problem begins when I try to use markdown to specify headers. See the below screenshots to understand what I mean.

I dont know how to render markdown language in html when using modular content blocks.

Does that make things a bit clearer?

Current implementation

The output

I see @jessebox !

Have a look at this:

  datoCmsPost {
    body {
      ... on DatoCmsParagraph {
        paragraphNode {
          childMarkdownRemark {
      ... on DatoCmsVisual {
        media {

Thanks @mat_jack1 I realised that I needed the plugin gatsby-transformer-remark installed in my gatsby config before I access see your suggested schema. Got my problem solved!

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