Missing Blurhash and Thumbhash values

Describe the issue:

Hello, my team is seeing inconsistencies with blurhash and thumbhash values. I was reading the docs and from my understanding, all of these values are intended to be auto-generated when any image is uploaded regardless of the file type. Looking for a quick answer here but is there anything that is required to generate these values? Why are they missing on new uploads?

Thank you,

Hi @Nicky, welcome to the forum, and sorry, that’s probably a bug!

Which project is this in? Could you please DM me (or email support@datocms.com) with a direct link to the asset in question and we’ll take a look?

Could I also ask for, please:

  • The full GraphQL query you’re using
  • How the image was uploaded to DatoCMS (via the UI upload? HTTP? JS SDK?)

This will help us track down the bug. And I’ll try to see if we can manually regenerate all the hashes and thumbs for you for that project. (To be clear, this shouldn’t happen, and we’ll both try to figure out why and also try to fix it for your affected project.)

Thank you!

Hi @roger – I have responded through email! Hope we can figure out what is happening :slight_smile: Thank you

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We’ve confirmed and replicated this, and I’ve reported it to the devs for escalated attention. I’ll follow up over email!

Thanks again for the details :slight_smile:

(Just reporting back here in case anyone else has similar issues)

Thanks to Nicky’s detailed reports, we’ve identified a bug that was sometimes preventing these values from being generated correctly. That bug should be fixed now, and we’ve manually regenerated those values for their project. Thank you, Nicky :slight_smile:

If anyone else is having issues with these, please email us at support@datocms.com with your project URL and the asset(s) in question and we can look into it for you too.

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