Localization Import & Export

Dear Community

We are wondering if dato supports exporting content data in an editable format that allows for reimport after editing (e.g. XML, Json, Excel)?

To be more precise we are trying to translate the content in a professional translation system and reimport it afterwards.

Best regards,

Hi @kai.piontek,

Welcome to the forum!

If you haven’t seen them yet, we have some plugins that some users use for this use case: Plugins to level up your DatoCMS game — DatoCMS. If your specific translation management system isn’t directly supported, you can either:

  • Write your own plugin (or fork one of the existing ones). This is nice if you want your editors to be able to have a real-time UI synced to your translation system.
  • Or write a script with our Content Management API if you don’t need a UI for this, just syncing in the background

When you fetch a record or update one, it’s all in a human-readable JSON format. Here’s a simple example:

  id: 'hWl-mnkWRYmMCSTq4z_piQ',
  title: 'My first blog post!',
  content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...',
  meta: {
    created_at: '2020-04-21T07:57:11.124Z',
    updated_at: '2020-04-21T07:57:11.124Z',
    published_at: '2020-04-21T07:57:11.124Z',
    first_published_at: '2020-04-21T07:57:11.124Z',
    publication_scheduled_at: '2020-04-21T07:57:11.124Z',
    unpublishing_scheduled_at: '2020-04-21T07:57:11.124Z',
    status: 'published',
    is_current_version_valid: true,
    is_published_version_valid: true,
    current_version: '4234',
    stage: null
  item_type: {
    type: 'item_type',
    id: 'DxMaW10UQiCmZcuuA-IkkA'

However, before you do this, it might help to understand how localization works in DatoCMS and read our docs on how to update localized content with the CMA.

Hope that helps, and please let us know if you need further clarification or need help with a specific format!