Is possible to return _seoMetaTags in api?

Hi! I’m requesting this URL${query?.itemId} and it doesn’t return the _seoMetaTags field. Is it a limitation or should I configure something to work?

Hi @maysa.bonfante,

There’s a slight difference between how this is handled by the GraphQL CDA and the REST CMA.

_seoMetaTags is something our GraphQL resolver handles for you, combining the record-level overrides (if any are specified) with the site-level SEO data as a fallback.

But if you’re using, that is our separate Content Management API and it doesn’t handle that fallback quite as automatically.

You can still get the info, but it takes two separate calls:

  • GET${itemId} to fetch the record first. If it has an SEO field, the overrides will be in there, like:

     "seo": {
        "image": null,
        "title": "record level title",
        "no_index": false,
        "description": null,
        "twitter_card": null
  • BUT you also have to separately fetch the site-level SEO using GET, which will get you a global_seo property like:

    "global_seo": {
          "site_name": "Site-level website name",
          "fallback_seo": {
            "title": "Site-level fallback title",
            "description": "Site-level fallback description",
            "image": null,
            "twitter_card": "summary_large_image",
            "no_index": null
          "title_suffix": "",
          "twitter_account": null,
          "facebook_page_url": ""

Then you can combine the two, like:

const pageTitle = seo.title ?? global_seo.fallback_seo.title ?? global_seo.site_name;
const pageDescription = seo.description ?? global_seo.fallback_seo.description;
// etc., basically testing for the any overrides in the record-level `seo` field
// and then falling back to `global_seo.fallback_seo` if it doesn't have any

Does that help?

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Yes! I believe that’s what I was looking for.

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