Hi, I have changed the primary environment and dont know how to find out what is wrong, PLEASE can someone help me
Kind Regards
Hey @edwardverenicoll,
I see that @m.finamor answered your email about the same topic and provided some details. We unfortunately don’t have a way to roll back to a previous version if you didn’t make backups, but it looks like there’s a bit of information in your project’s build hook logs. Specifically, it looks like your site on Netlify is failing to build with the error:
"error_message": "Failed during stage 'building site': Build script returned non-zero exit code: 2",
In that case, you can try to replicate the error locally by pulling the repo and using the same env vars as Netlify’s environment and seeing what is failing.
Hi, Roger, Thanks for the reply, I am not sure how i do that?
Kind Regards
Sorry, just for clarification here… are you a developer? Did someone else build your website for you, or…? If they did, could you please ask them (the developer who built the site) for help with this part of it?
As a headless CMS, we unfortunately don’t have access to your website code or hosting at all, just the content behind it. Normally someone (a consultant/agency/freelance developer/etc.) would’ve built a site that connects your frontend to our APIs, and that seems to be currently where it’s failing. That part is unfortunately not accessible to us, and someone with access to your code and hosting would have to look at the code and see where it’s going wrong.
What happened here, if I may ask? Did you outsource your website to an agency, and it used to work, but no longer does? Or?