Getting Structured Text with custom blocks to render in Nuxt

Iā€™m trying to use Structured Text for a blog post that I am pulling into Nuxt that contains a custom block for Quote. Iā€™ve found some documentation online and tried to follow the example but I am getting an error that says:

Error: The Structured Text document contains a ā€˜blockā€™ node, but .blocks is not present!

My query is:

const QUERY = /* GraphQL */ `
  query {
    post(filter: { slug: { eq: "${slug}" } }) {
      content {
        blocks {
          ... on RecordInterface {
          ... on QuoteRecord {

My template code uses this to show the structured text:

<DatocmsStructuredText :data="page_data.content.value" :renderBlock="renderBlock" />

And then I have this function to handle the renderBlock:

const renderBlock = ({ record }) => {
  if (record.__typename === 'QuoteRecord') {
    console.log('place quote here');

Any help is much appreciated!

@JLernDesign does it help if you change the :data property to page_data.content instead of page_data.content.value?

@roger Thanks for your response, that did help resolve the error.

I am wondering about one other thing related to Structured Text parsing. Is there any way to wrap the plain HTML text inside an element so I can group just the text that exists outside of the custom blocks?

So for example, if my structured text editor looked like this:

Can the portion of text outlined in red be wrapped in a tag so I can output it as its own block? Thanks for your help!

Hey @JLernDesign, Iā€™m not quite sure I fully understand your question, sorry. Could you please provide an example of the desired output you want from that (either in HTML, psuedocode, or just something you scribble on a napkin)?

I think what youā€™re asking for is the raw content of the body text, before it gets processed by our Structured Text renderer componentā€¦? If so, it should be in the GraphQL response, probably at page_data.content.value or maybe page_data.content?

I canā€™t remember off the top of my head if that gives you plain HTML or a JSON representation of the text. If itā€™s the latter and you need to convert it to HTML, you can run that through structured-text/packages/to-html-string at main Ā· datocms/structured-text Ā· GitHub to parse it from our format into normal HTML.

If you could please let me know your desired output in more detail, and also provide a link to the record in question, I can try to make a more specific example for you? But otherwise I hope the above helps a bit?

Alternatively, if youā€™re trying to stay within our renderer but just wrap the body text output in another tag, maybe you can override its rendering? vue-datocms/src/components/StructuredText at master Ā· datocms/vue-datocms Ā· GitHub

Iā€™m not sure what the node to override would be (maybe ā€˜rootā€™?), but if you send me a link to the record, I can try to find out for you.

Thanks for ideas @roger this is helping me figure out the best approach for my use case.

Basically the design Iā€™m working with has a quote that breaks the margin of the rest of the grid. Here is a screen shot:

I was hoping I could create new blocks that would form before and after the quote block if there is a quote block inserted. I think I can achieve this with the structured-text-to-html converter and just split the string around the quote block.

I am also wondering if just using Modular blocks to build out the page would be more effective than using Structured Text. I just love how seamless the structured text experience is so I wanted to make that work.

Hey @JLernDesign, if you can send me the link to the frontend code and the project in question, I can take a deeper look. Normally, you should be able to keep the structured text as the root component, and each of its child nodes (whether a DatoCMS block or a standard HTML thing like a blockquote) should be customizable through the node/block rendering overrides. For examples, you should be able to assign a custom classname (or even inline style override) to make the blockquote look how you want it. If you can send me a link to the code, I can make a quick example for you? (Feel free to DM me here or email us at mentioning this thread).

The structured text is like a tree, and each child node or block is like a branch with its own sub-branches and leaf nodes. You can customize the display of each child without having them ā€œrip them off and put them on another treeā€, so to speak.

You shouldnā€™t have to reinvent the wheel by parsing out the HTML and then rebuilding it into componentsā€¦ the structured text component itself should be pretty customizable and extensible, and Iā€™d be glad to try to help you find an easier way to make that quote line up, if youā€™d like :slight_smile:

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