Filtering by JSON Field limited to "exists"

Hi, I’ve added this plugin DatoCMS Plugin Address Autocomplete - Plugins — DatoCMS so In my CMS have information about geolocation and places names.

Before I’ve used the standard DatoCMS Geolocation fields which gave only the lat and long information.

Before I was able to filter through the Geolocation fields with the near filter (Filtering records — DatoCMS), but right now with the plugin, since it’s a JSON field I’m only able to filter through exists filter.

Is there a workaround so I can filter records through the JSON field using near filter or similar so I don’t have filter them in my frontend?


Hello @samuele.medici and welcome to the community!

Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment :frowning:
We have an ongoing feature request for this right here: GraphQL filtering and query on JSON documents so consider giving it a vote if you think it would be a nice addition!

Just a thought, @samuele.medici: Maybe a workaround could to be used another plugin like Computed Fields - Plugins — DatoCMS to copy the lat/lng to a regular geo field? If you don’t want your editors changing that field, you can also hide it with Hidden Field - Plugins — DatoCMS