Export certain media files to local file-system?

Hello community! I’m very new to DatoCMS and not yet too familiar with Node-JS.
I want to download media files (uploads) that fit a certain filter (file-extension, in-use) to the local file system in order to run some checks on them.
I’ve seen the docs about exporting and was wondering how I would have to change that example to fit my needs. If anyone has a snippet or can point me in the right direction, I would highly appreciate it.
It can be with the node-js client or in Python using the requests package.

This should work!

const { SiteClient } = require('datocms-client');
const got = require('got');
const { basename } = require('path');
const { createWriteStream } = require('fs');

(async () => {
  try {
    const client = new SiteClient(

    const uploads = await client.uploads.all(
        filter: { fields: { in_use: { eq: true }, format: { eq: 'png' } } },
      { allPages: true },

    for (const upload of uploads) {
      await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const localPath = basename(upload.path);
        console.log(`Downloading ${upload.url} to ./${localPath}...`);

        const downloadStream = got.stream(upload.url);
        const fileWriterStream = createWriteStream(localPath);

          .on('downloadProgress', ({ transferred, total, percent }) => {
            const percentage = Math.round(percent * 100);
            console.error(`progress: ${transferred}/${total} (${percentage}%)`);
          .on('error', reject);

          .on('error', reject)
          .on('finish', () => {
            console.log(`File downloaded to ${localPath}`);

  } catch (e) {
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That works perfectly! Thank you so much for the helpful example!