Error with save after uploading multiple assets

Hi all.
When uploading multiple assets(files) from computer, interface does not detect it as change and as result the save botton remains still in-active.

Iā€™ve noticed that there is a problem with updating the state after the upload is done, as it seems to not beeing update. Because when you try to update the metadata of recently uploaded images you can see that the state is still ā€œwaiting to finish uploadā€ .

hello @amir.houieh thank you for your report!

We have deployed a fix for that, could you please try again and let me know if that happens again?

Thank you very much!

hi @mat_jack1
No unfortunately it has not been fixed. I upload a screen shot; as you can see there is still the save button not enabled while the status says that there are unsaved material (newly uploaded images from my computer).

@amir.houieh would you be able to share a screen recording of how to get to the inconsistent state?

Also make sure to clear the cache and refresh the page as you might still have an old version of the CMS maybe.

Thank you very much!

I second @amir.houieh. My client has reported this multiple times. Most recently, yesterday evening. They use DatoCMS daily, so itā€™s unlikely that the new version hasnā€™t downloaded in 14 days. Also, ā€œNo metadata setā€ is easily misread as an error message when this goes wrong.

thank you, weā€™ll give another look at this!

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@accounts.integritylivestocksales and @amir.houieh we should have fixed this problem, can you please let us know if that happens again? If so, can you please attach a screen recording? That would help a lot in understanding better whatā€™s wrong and fix it.


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Hi Jack, I just had a look and it seems to be resolved! thanks.

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