Current version

How to I keep track of the current version of datoCMS I should be using for things like search widget etc
I currently point to 0.1.7 assets, but wondering how I can check if this is most recent version going forward

@cleanwell-ni the search widget has it’s own versioning managed via npm (, what are you looking for exactly?

Hi Matteo

Well currently I include this on my page script src=β€œ”/script. and the same for the CSS and i add them manually not suing a package manager

I guess I just have to track it manually, it would only get updated if I rebuilt my site even if i was using npm in this project which i am not, so do i just keep track of it manually or is there an alert/notification that would go out if it was updated?


keep track manually and if we update those we’ll surely release a new npm version and probably add that to our changelog!