Creating models for product variants for web store

Has anyone modelled schema in the DatoCMS for web shop, particularly products with variants (e.g. Shirt with Color and Size variants)? What approach did you take?

Great questions! I have been struggling with this myself for quite some time with regards to variants. So really interested to see what others come up with. Ultimately for now I decided to model variants in an external database, as it’s difficult to see how to properly set up the relations in datocms, even if it’s built on top of relational database. Other than variants, we were able to model everything else for ecommerce in datocms. Datocms should consider just having a starter package with a basic ecommerce database set up already (products, variants etc). This would make it super easy to use Datocms for any ecommerce store.

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Hello @osseonews and @primoz.rome

We’re very glad to read this, as we are currently developing two more complex starters to show the full capabilities of Dato, one of a Company Website Landing Page, and one of an e-commerce example, with product variations and other more complex schema configurations :slight_smile:
I’ll let you both know as soon as we release it!

Thank you for the feedback!

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Great. Really looking forward to seeing this. BTW, I do think the most important thing is to allow for multiple product variations per product, similar to what you can achieve with something like Shopify. I think being able to offer this out of the box, as a starter, would make it really easy to launch ecommerce with Dato as a backend for products. Thanks for doing this.