Can't type anywhere after adding block in structured text

A Bug :lady_beetle:

When using structured text I have included the option to add a block

Now that I have added this I can no longer add any other content - click below or above does not allow it.

As a work around I can type something first before adding block then I can navigate to the end of the line - hit return and add content above the block but still can’t type underneath

Using the editor in Chrome

Hi @leahyjulian,

Welcome to Dato, and sorry about that!

You can actually move up/down and start typing by using the arrow keys (either up arrow or down arrow), like in this video:

However, I agree that it’s not super clear. It should probably also work if you just click. I’ll report it to the devs and let you know once I hear back :slight_smile:

Thanks for the report!

Hey @leahyjulian,

Just letting you know that we’ve improved this behavior, at your request. Now when you add a block, we’ll automatically add a new line after it so you can easily keep going :slight_smile:

Hope that helps, and sorry this took a while!