Build Trigger - Not detecting GitLab pipeline status if we stopped manually

  1. For my project I configured Built trigger linking GitLab pipeline
  2. GitLab webhook is also setup properly against the Build Trigger
  3. When Build trigger starts, seeing that GitLab CI starts.
  4. And, when GitLab CI completes, then Build Trigger enabled again.
  5. But confusion or error is when we stopped the GitLab CI pipeline manually, that status is not being properly handled in the Build Trigger. It is keep on saying " Build In Progress " until we manually abort the process.

Any good solution to handle further in this part.

Thank you in advance.

Hi @jeyasuriya1994,

Welcome to the forum!

Hmm, it seems like our Gitlab-specific build trigger is currently only set up to handle the statuses success and failed, but apparently Gitlab can also send a skipped status (presumably for manual cancellations):

I’ll let the devs know about this to see if we can add that.

If you need it more urgently, you can use a custom webhook in DatoCMS to manually configure a similar pipeline with your own status mappings. You can also use the CMA to manually mark a build trigger as failed (presumably tying it into Gitlab’s pipeline status changes, if it allows you to do that):

Otherwise, I’ll report back once the devs have a chance to look into our official build hook for Gitlab. Thanks for the report!

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Thank you for considering. It would be helpful if you can update the flow to check all the status of the pipeline.

One more, GitLab also send the status "status": "canceling",

For further reading. Pipeline status badges

Thank you.

Thank you @jeyasuriya1994. I’ll let them know about the different values.

Do you happen to know what the different statuses mean? e.g. when you stop a pipeline manually, is it canceled? What would trigger a skipped or manual or unknown status, if you happen to know?

Also, please be aware that there is currently a systemwide outage due to an upstream provider issue in the E.U.:

Our devs are all focused on that at the moment, so it may take a while for us to be able to look at the build trigger issue. I will update you as soon as you can.

In the meantime, once the systems come back up, please let me know if you need help with the custom webhook workaround in the time being.

Just a quick note here that we’ve replied to this via email. Just to avoid duplication, let’s follow up there for now, ok?

I’ll post back here (for everyone else to see) once we have a final resolution.

Thank you!

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This should be fixed now, and our Gitlab integration now properly handles status: canceled events. Thank you again for the report.