allDatoCmsPage query does not work

I am having an issue running a dato-cms-gatsby project. It seems like the allDatoCMSPage query is not working, but we didn’t make any change these past days. The query data response is null and I can’t figure out why. This is a sample query for each page:

    allDatoCmsPage(filter: { urlSlug : { eq: "/" }, locale : { eq: "es"} }){

Ask me if you need any further info, and thanks in advance.

Hi @alex, could you please file an issue via specifying your project so that we can have a deeper look?

Hi @fabrizio and thanks for your response. I finally found that the error comes from an extra query of an external rss-blog-feed. I didn’t find the error yet, but the development environment is ok without this query. Thanks a lot for your time.

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