"Add Modular content field" not working

Describe the issue:

When I try to add a Modular Content Field and click ā€œSave Fieldā€, nothing happens. In the web dev tools i see an error on click:

index-F3AD3DHI.js:9 Warning: An unhandled error was caught from submitForm() TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'item_types')
    at M9 (index-F3AD3DHI.js:74:39558)
    at c (index-F3AD3DHI.js:74:88410)
    at index-F3AD3DHI.js:74:88901
    at async l (chunk-EHUJZ33F.js:20:25235)

The same error appears no matter which options within the modal i turn on / off (in Settings, Validation and Presentation).

This is in a brand new project - Iā€™m following this tutorial ( at the 6:50 timestamp ).


I have tested the exact same process in another project ( the official ā€œMarketing Website Demoā€ ) and the same error occurs.

I just checked and the same problem exists with the Structured Text field Type ā€¦ Are certain field types not available for new / free accounts or something?

EDIT: Same with the Link field type as wellā€¦ same error in console

6index-F3AD3DHI.js:9 Warning: An unhandled error was caught from submitForm() TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'item_types')
    at Ha (index-F3AD3DHI.js:74:39768)
    at u (index-F3AD3DHI.js:74:87970)
    at index-F3AD3DHI.js:74:88888
    at async l (chunk-EHUJZ33F.js:20:25235)

Currently experiencing the same issueā€¦ Please help :frowning:

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@vianca i tried this on a macbook and now it works ?? i will try my windows PC again later :man_shrugging:

Is anyone still experiencing this issue? (@vianca)? If so, could you please provide some screenshots/recordings and details about your environment (which browser and OS?)


Hi! Itā€™s working on my end now. Thank you so much!

Hi! this problem evaporated on tuesday morning :smile: Itā€™s been working fine since then. Should I delete / close the post?

Hey @dont it was indeed an issue on our end that we shipped a fix for on Tuesday
Iā€™ll close the topic and mark it as solved, let us know if you run into any other issues! :slight_smile: