Ability to set Draft/Publish on locales basis

With the Optional Translations feature it is now possible to add any number of locales for a content item.

It is however difficult to determine how many locales an item is available in and whether it is available in draft/published state for that locale.

Use case:
Let’s say we’re building a simple Wikipedia-like system.

A user creates an Articles “Italian History” in English and publishes the Article.
The frontend would now like to present external users with the available languages to choose their language. And a logged in user might want to know that there is a draft available to preview in a new language:

// get specific Article in GraphQL with locales meta data

  title: "Italian History"
  locales : [ { id: "en", status: "published" },  { id: "es", status: "draft" } ]

Would it be possible for DatoCMS to automatically add this “meta data” to every content item?

Any updates on this? :slight_smile:

Will this also include publishing on a specific date/time for each locale?

Any ETA?

Any updates on this?

Sorry no news for now on this :frowning:

We are focusing on this first: Multiple schema+data environments (production, staging, etc.)

I agree. Per locale publishing would be awesome. I think Craft system with the distinction between locales / site is also something to consider for state of the art internationalization.


Yeah, this feature would be so awesome!

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Hi! Since our content is published in three languages, each article is set up with three locales. However, it appears to be the case that only one locale can be edited by one person at a time. This means that for example three editors can’t work on three different language versions of the same article. The “locking” of articles in this manner is quickly becoming a bottlenock in the workflow. If it’s possible for each locale of each record to be saved/edited simultaneously with other locales, it would be super helpful. Also, can you add an autosave option for different locales please? Right now it seems that the editors’ work is deleted whenever another editor enters the record without checking that no one else is working on one of the locales. Many thanks

Any news on this? Would be great to have.

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Hi, any updates on this topic?

We have written a guide and prepared an example: Pro tips - Manage draft/published state by locale - DatoCMS Docs

to show what you can do to achieve the draft/published state by locale.

I’ll leave the feature request open for a while to get additional comments if necessary.

Any update on this ? We’ve read the examples but none is satisfactory as both have severe drawbacks in terms of UI, UX and consistency.

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This feature would be extremely useful and is almost necessary to properly use localized records. Thank you for providing the alternative options and they are good ideas. But they add another layer of complexity for content editors and create a higher likelihood of having unapproved content on our live site.

we are working on this feature to make it native, it’s going to come in the summer :slight_smile:


Nice! :pray:


Aaaaand… it’s live! Introducing Per-Locale Publishing: reach new audiences faster with DatoCMS