We’re looking for the ability to filter Active Learning Cards by a string that is present in the lesson text. And lesson text is a field inside block.
We want to filter records by lesson text content, but it’s not appearing in the search column
How can we filter records by fields inside a block?
hi @henok.tesfaye I’m sorry but filtering by modular content’s fields (as well as link fields) is not possible at the moment
If you want, you can upvote this feature request
Indeed, since we’re dealing with a course website and have thousands of records, this is something we want in our Dato project.
@fabrizio is this something we can customize using plugins? Thanks!
hi @henok.tesfaye no I’m sorry, this is far beyond a plugin can do
Okay, I hope this is something your team looks into as to support it in upcoming versions.
This is possible through the new quick search release(Introducing Quick Search! - DatoCMS). Thank you!