Request for Uniform "If created by" Workflow Options in DatoCMS

Dear DatoCMS Team,

In the pursuit of refining our content approval workflow within DatoCMS, we have identified a crucial feature gap that, if addressed, could significantly enhance the platform’s utility for our operations.

We request the expansion of the “If created by” dropdown in the “Role CAN” workflow settings to include the options available in the “Role CANNOT” section, including “Anyone,” “The user themself,” “Other users,” “This role,” and “Other roles.” This parity would allow us to implement a governance model preventing users from approving their own content, thereby upholding content integrity and ensuring adherence to our review policies.

Such a feature would not only streamline our workflows but also potentially benefit the broader DatoCMS community by providing more nuanced control over content management processes. We appreciate your attention to this request and are willing to discuss further or participate in testing phases as needed.

Best regards,
Rick van den Heuvel