Project configuration on mobile

Currently I find no way on mobile of navigating into configuration on smaller screens.

Also quite annoying when working with a smaller browser window while multitasking, needing to resize just to get the button to show up.

Is this intentional? Or am I missing something?


Hey @emil.hernqvist,

Good catch – and feature request. Sorry, there isn’t a mobile view for the project settings yet… I know, I know, it’s 2024! :sweat_smile:

Just for our UX people’s sake, could I please ask what you’d want to do in your project settings on a phone/smaller screen? Is this a regular part of your workflow?


It has mainly been to check Usage - when doing correspondence in transit for example, needing to check some numbers for a reply. Quite niché, but it has happened more than a few times at this point.

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Makes sense, thanks for the details!

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