Plugin: Generate Alt Text with a Click

Hi all :wave:,

I would like to introduce AltTextGo, a plugin that generates high-quality alternative text for images right inside DatoCMS.


  • AI-Powered Alt Text: Generate alternative text with the latest natural language model.
  • SEO Optimized alt text: Incorporate SEO keywords into generated text.
  • Accessibility Made Easy: Boost accessibility with a click.

:point_right: Try it out:

We’d love your feedback! What works, what doesn’t, and what could make it better?

Please feel free to reply here or let us know at!


:raised_hands: Update: We just added i18n support.
Now you can generate alt text for your locales like English, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean.

Please feel free to let us know if there is any other locales you need!

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