Paginate/Filter Direct Relations


I couldn’t find a way to paginate or filter items in a links (direct relations) field. My schema is quite straightforward, I have a model with “items” which can be of different types. To query, I’m using something like:

query {
  homePage {
    items {
      ... on EventRecord {
      ... on ArticleRecord {
      ... on NewsletterRecord {

When querying those records on the top level (e.g. using allArticles), I can of course paginate, order, filter them, but not when going through a “parent” model.

I could probably go through inverse relations but then I’d have to query a lot more data and then stitch the three item types back together in the client if I don’t want to lose the order. Also, pagination doesn’t really work there, since there’s no way to get the first N records of type Article, Newsletter, or Event combined.

So, this feels like a missing feature – or am I missing something?