Output _currentLocale for fallback locales queries

The graphQL queries with fallbackLocales are great!
But there is an important information missing. If an item is found due to fallback, the locale in question should also be output.


The project has three languages, EN, IT, DE. One item is only available in IT. The query with fallbackLocales returns the Italian post and its Italian slug, almost perfect :smile:

query MyQuery {
  allStories(locale: en, fallbackLocales: [en, it, de]) {

But in this usecase we also need to provide a URL like this /it/italian-item-slug. Damn, the locale is missing for this :frowning:

Feature request

Output something like “_currentLocale” for the found item.

query MyQueryWithCurrentLocale {
  allStories(locale: en, fallbackLocales: [en, it, de]) {

Would that be possible?