Marketing Website Starter - ecommerce?

Hey, your new Marketing Website starter is simply incredible. Congrats. Really can replace Wordpress now easily with Datocms for any website as you have the structure set up. I’m hoping (requesting:) that maybe you can build an ecommerce starter with products/variants etc. that can be used as a CMS frontend. Obviously, we can hook up the cart and checkout to some other service, but the data for ecommerce needs a good backend. And it’s difficult to set up the correct structure in Datocms for variants, pricing etc. Hoping you guys can show how it’s done correctly. THanks.

Hey @osseonews thank you very much for the feedback!

The e-commerce starter is on the works right now, and should be published soon, I’ll let you know as soon as it is out! :slight_smile:

Thank you once again!

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Hey ! your new Ecommerce Website starter is incredible.
Please let me know once the project is published, and if there’s a comprehensive tutorial available, particularly on how to integrate and use it with Shopify.

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@m.finamor, do you know if we have any plans to add a Shopify (or similar) integration to that starter?

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