Full Revision History

I’ve recently come to discover that our old revisions are getting deleted. We benefit from having a complete revision history.

Given that storage is cheap, I think the pro plan should have complete revision history.

hello @chris sorry, I’ve just seen this now.

Storage is cheap, sure, but to have effective revision history you also need to search through the data, which is not cheap.

If you want we can create custom plans with custom revision history. So for this please be in touch at support@datocms.com and we can think about a custom pricing depending on the number of records of your plan. Maybe it’s not going to be “unlimited” but we can reach 2-3 years?

I’m going to close this as the feature is available already, it’s mostly a problem with “unlimited” features that we don’t want to provide anymore as with all the “unlimited” things, you always end up in some sort of edge cases.