There seems to be some issues with large file uploads with the current implementation of the file upload.
createUploadPath seems to be downloading the file locally. Is there a way to circumvent this and work with streams or just a remote url?
Hi @glenn.bostoen you can upload a file to DatoCMS from a remote URL, but it will be downloaded locally first, yes. That’s because the client must send a PUT request with the content to our S3 bucket.
There is also a limit of 1GB per uploaded file.
Is there a way to circumvent this […] ?
Not at the moment. If the file size is such big, is it feasable for you to store the file outside DatoCMS and reference its URL in a string field or json field in DatoCMS?
It would be nice to be able to sent the link instead of downloading it locally.
Currently i’m having issues with files of +/- 600 Mb. So I’m assuming the current implementation isn’t optimized for serverless usage.