I’m also wondering if there is any chance of getting a filter or orderBy added to _allReferencingXX objects.
is the only thing that is preventing me from using this.
Usecase: Latest blogpost for a category (orderBy: dueDate, first: 1)
If this would be added this would save almost 200 lines of code
hey @timvandevelde1 we have just added the orderBy
How long would it take for this feature to come out of beta? Do you have an official release date?
I’m also interested in this feature. Would be nice to know an estimate for a release date
@rafael.henrique @joao.brito We plan on releasing it and taking it out of public Beta around mid June, the functionalities and syntax should be the same, we’re only adjusting some complexity limits that could change by then.
We wanted to use the feature making sure it didn’t change its behavior. We will adopt it when the feature is officially released.
Thanks for answer @m.finamor !
@m.finamor How do I implent this feature in gatsby. I m using the gatsby-source-datocms but I can’t see _allReferencingBlogPosts
Hey @calculus2uk , unfortunately this feature is still not available in our gatsby client, sorry about that! I’ll let you know if we have any updates on the implementation of it on gatsby in the future!
Oh ok. Thanks for all the work you guys are doing!!!