Different "Accept only specified values" per locale just like the "default value" does

Is there a possibility to enable different specified values for each locale?

We are also interested in this, I’m commenting to revive the thread since no one has answered.

@roger , I posted this last year. Can I get any thoughts on it?

Thanks in advance.

Hey @gerald and @technology, unfortunately this still isn’t a planned feature :frowning: Please vote on it if you haven’t already, as that’s how the devs typically plan work.

In the meantime, you might be able to create similar functionality by writing a plugin, specifically a “field extension” that checks the value against the current locale and returns an error message (or toast) if it fails to validate: Field extensions — DatoCMS

It’s a hassle, I know, and I hope the feature request is added at some point. Sorry about that!

Thanks for the reply & the alternative suggestion @roger!.