Better UX for tree-like models

Managing large tree models is currently quite difficult in the editor UI. Dragging and dropping to create the heirarchy is slow and error-prone. Can I suggest:

  • Create new record defaults to create as the next sibling of the currently selected record – or, a way to pin which record you want as the default parent when clicking new record
  • Edit the parent (as record link) and position (as integer) in the Info panel – quicker alternative than drag-drop for large trees.
  • Folder mode: we drill into the tree. First we see only top level elements. If you click one, now you see only its children (with a button to “go back up one level”)
  • More model settings for tree models. Should new records default to top or bottom of the branch? Max depth? Max leaves on each branch? Order by a field/last update within a heirarchy level?
  • Multi-record management options.
  • Tabular view for tree models, why not?