Better UX for tree-like models

Managing large tree models is currently quite difficult in the editor UI. Dragging and dropping to create the heirarchy is slow and error-prone. Can I suggest:

  • Create new record defaults to create as the next sibling of the currently selected record – or, a way to pin which record you want as the default parent when clicking new record
  • Edit the parent (as record link) and position (as integer) in the Info panel – quicker alternative than drag-drop for large trees.
  • Folder mode: we drill into the tree. First we see only top level elements. If you click one, now you see only its children (with a button to “go back up one level”)
  • More model settings for tree models. Should new records default to top or bottom of the branch? Max depth? Max leaves on each branch? Order by a field/last update within a heirarchy level?
  • Multi-record management options.
  • Tabular view for tree models, why not?

Thank you for creating this feature request. I totally agree that tree models could be improved a lot of. They are wonderful and rare in other competing CMS which makes them a quite unique selling point for Dato. Especially liked by editors coming form episerver or the like.

This view is killer and loved by editors! But these missing features makes it hard to recommend for large amount of pages.

The quick search is also broken (compared to the fully featured search in the default ordering mode. Searching a record by its slug simply does not work. :pensive:


Would also like the ability to “collpase” the panel to the left.
The space can become quite squished when combining with web-preview pane

Great suggestions!

I also want to +1 on the suggestion regarding tabular view. The combination of both tree view and tabular view to get a good comprehension of the structure would be amazing.

Another addition which would be great would be able to have multiple models managed under one tree

That would be cool: Editor/menu view that combines multiple models

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