Add "Match a specific pattern" Validation to External Video

This would be very helpful as many times when adding this field we want to limit to a predefined provider since thats what we will need to handle application side.

Match a specific pattern would allow us to regex a YouTube or Vimeo URL to ensure content editors are providing a url the application will expect.

LOL. Forgot I even opened this. Just has this issue arise again. Would love to be able to lock down the url patter to limit to a single provider.

Hey @brian1,

That’s a good suggestion, but unfortunately we don’t have a validation for that yet :frowning:

In the meantime, you can kind of fake it with a plugin by clearing the field as soon as the editor tries to put in a disallowed video.

Here’s an example prototype:… not polished yet, but it shows the basic workflow.

Let me know if that would be helpful, and I can clean it up a bit so it’s easier to follow.