Nested Blocks

Hi there, I’d like to add my support for this feature as well.

Perhaps another way to look at this is to reflect on who actually is the end customer for these CMS products.

As developers, we choose the platforms that have the best tooling, but our clients (the “content editors”) are the ones who actually dictate the feature requirements.

In our experience implementing other headless platforms (Contentful, Prismic, Wordpress), the one feature requirement that keeps coming back is layout and module flexibility.

Our clients want to feel like they can reuse anything we’ve built for them, in any context. Whether they actually do, is almost irrelevant.

Another thing to consider is the unique advantage it could give your platform vs the competition. Out of all the CMS platforms we evaluated in the past, including the ones mentioned above, the only one we found that does nested modular content well is Wordpress + ACF.

Perhaps it’s also worth considering the strategic advantage of being the only non-Wordpress CMS that can also do this.

Anyway, thanks for even having a platform where your users can share their feedback. We’re a paid tier user now and excited to see what’s up ahead for this platform.