DatoCMS doesn't want to link to my Netlify

I am stuck with this when I want to add Netlify build trigger. This happens when I click button Link to Netlify project Any idea?

Hi @primoz.rome

is it possibile that your browser is preventing DatoCMS from opening popups? My firefox did it the first time, for example.

In fact, when clicking on “Link to netlify project” a popup with Netlify asking you to authorize DatoCMS should appear, unless your browser kills it.

Example of Netlify popup window:

Once you click on “Authorize”, you will be able to see your Netlify’s project inside that DatoCMS modal window.

Let me know if this helps!

Hey @fabrizio you were correct. I haven’t even noticed that my browser has blocked that. Thanks for the tip, al working now.

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